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Yucatan Car Rental

Travel Tips


Before startin your trip we give you some smart tips which help you with traveling around Mexico in an Easy Way!.

Changing Money?

The best thing to do is change your money at your local bank before traveling. Many banks will do it for free if you request it early enough and withdraw an amount considerable to cover the expenses of your trip. Check with your bank the policies you have established for this purpose to make a more peaceful trip

Paying the bill?

Change your money in banks or exchange houses. Hotels and exchange houses at airports mostly give an inconvenient exchange rate. But if you do not have any local currency, changing $20.00 to $40.00 USD. would not be a bad idea, just for the first expenses until you find a place with a better exchange rate.


Remember that almost always tips are not included in restaurants and bars (if it is included it is mentioned on the bill). To give you an idea: 10-15% is the average tip. For bell boys in hotels you give a tip of $1.00 to $2.00 per person for carrying your luggage. Do not forget that these guys know how to move around, so they always can give you also some useful information!

Phone calls?

Long distance calls (domestic or international) are expensive especially if you call from your hotel or from long distance service companies. We recommend you to buy and have always with you a "Ladatel" phone card. It is the cheapest and easiest way to make a phone call.


On the first day you rent a car with Easy Way Rent a Car, we will provide you more than enough fuel to reach the nearest gas station (Magnum and Premium > unleaded). During your trip do not wait to long with putting gasoline because the distance in Mexico are long and sometimes it takes many kilometers to get to the next gas station. On the last day you should put the same quantity of gasoline as on the day we gave you the car, otherwise the gasoline will be added to your bill (just like any other car rental companies do around the world).

Traffic Rules?

Like in any other place around the world, respecting the traffic rules is the smartest thing to do! Do not drive more than the speed limit allows, do not park the car where it is prohibited and if you want to have some alcoholic drinks during your holidays, do not drive when this happens. We want you to be one of our happy clients and if you are caught by the police, you can get a fine or even go to a Mexican jail for a few hours.

Food and drinks

Do not even think to save money with drinking the tap water. So do always have a bottle of purified water with you! During your trip you will see many exciting food sold on the street, but it is better to control you hunger and wait until you have found a clean restaurant otherwise "Moctezuma's revenge" will catch you (diarrhea). The Mexican people take then a glass of cola with 2 or 3 limes which can help you with stopping Moctezuma's revenge.

Valueble subjects?

Never leave valuable subjects in the car or if you go to the a city center or the beach, do not take valuable things with you. We suggest you to use the safety deposit boxes in the hotels for all your valuable things (sometimes with a fee).

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